Please find various links below for external agency websites that can provide support on various issues. Please do not hesitate to contact our specialist staff in school if you need any further information. They will all be happy to help.
Find it Out
Free and confidential counselling service for young people aged between 11 - 18 in Crawley. Tel - 01293 843334 or 07739893707 community [dot] counselling [at] ymcadlg [dot] org
Youth Emotional Support in Crawley - Young people may self-refer by walk-in. Tel - 01293 843334 or emotionalwellbeing [dot] yps [at] westsussex [dot] gov [dot] uk
Free online support for young people here.
Saturn Centre
Crawley based support centre for anyone who has been sexually assaulted. Tel - 01293 600469 or 0800 0337797 or
sc-tr [dot] saturncentre [at] nhs [dot] net
Bereavement Centre. Tel - 08444 779 400
Triple P
A positive parenting programme. Tel - 07702 442465 or 01273 294471 or parenting [at] westsussex [dot] gov [dot] uk
What is sexual exploitation? Tel - 01273 222550 or wises [at] sussexcentralmca [dot] org [dot] uk
Parent Support Guide. Tel - 08088 025 544